Friends of the Bras d'Or

Since the conception of the Bras d'Or Charter, many people including Mi’kmaq Elders, several working groups and task teams have labored together in pursuit of the Vision, Purpose and Objectives of the Collaborative Environmental Planning Initiative (CEPI), because they love the Bras d’Or. Their contributions, small and large, are numerous and valuable. Some of these people are, in alphabetical order:

Jim Abraham; Rodney Alex; Laurie Alexander; Dave Alsina; Joe Arbour; Heather Atiyah; Fred Baechler; Lynn Beachler; George Ball; Cheryl Bar tlett; Shawna Barrington; Anita Basque; Kenny Basque; Norman Basque; Pat Bates; Rod Beresford; Barry Bernard; Blair Bernard; Charles Bernard; Dina Bernard; Jake Bernard; Julena Bernard; Lawrence Bernard; Lena Bernard; Louis Joe Bernard; Nadine Bernard; Nancy Bernard; Pauline Bernard; Stephanie Bernard; Cheryl Berube; Grosvenor Blair; Wayne Bona; Weldon Bona; Yves Bosse; Wayne Budge; Gary Bugden; Judith Cabrita; Debi Campbell; Robin Campbell; Sharon Car ter; Charlie Cash; Nancy Comeau; Steven Delorey; Dan Christmas; Keith Christmas; Stephen Christmas; Viola Christmas; Scott Coffe-Smouth; Nancy Comeau; Chantelle Cormier; Keith Cossey; Richie Cotton; Carla Dale; Chris Daly; Anne-Luise Daphinee; Steven Delorey; Charlie Dennis; Florence Dennis; Diana Denny; Rhonda Denny; Shelley Denny; Suzie Denny; Sylvia Denny; Penny Doherty; Abraham Doucette; Andrea Doucette; Charles Doucette; Lea Doucette; Helen Doyle; Jackie Drinnan; Phil Drinnan; David Duggan; Don Duncan; John Hugh Edwards; Jim Ellswor th; Bill English; Lucia Fanning; Donald Flood; Dave Forrester; Doug Foster; Fabian Francis; Frankie Francis; Kelly Francis; Mary Tina Francis; Sayyedya Francis; York Friesen; Catherien Anne Fuller; Paul Gentile; Ron Gillis; Catherine Godwin; Alex Googoo; Frank Googoo; Irene Googoo; Jean Googoo; Jean Doris Googoo; Joseph Googoo; Judy Googoo; Mary-Ellen Googoo; Morley Googoo; Pearl Googoo; Phyllis Googoo; Shannon Googoo; Stephanie Googoo; Stephen Googoo; Caroline Gould; John James Gould; Mary Rose Gould; Noel Joe Gould; Shauna Gould; Elizabeth Graham; Ian Gray; Eunice Harker; John Harker; David Harris; Troy Har tley; Ann Marie Hatcher; Bruce Hatcher; Brian Hicks; Larry Hildebrand; Murry Hill; Darren Hiltz; Craig Hominick; Tracy Horsman; Tom Howe; Eric Hunder t; Linda Hunt; Gina Hunter; Justin Huston; Annie Claire Isaac; Bruno Isaac; Isadore Isaac; Bridget A. Isadore; Dennis Isadore; Freddy John Isadore; Isadore Isadore; Mar tha Isadore; Mary Janet Isadore; Pauline Isadore; Stephen Isadore; Marilyn Iwama; Brenda Jacono; John Jacono; Joe Janega; Howard Jeddore; Annie E. Johnson; Ethel Johnson; Howard Johnson; John Duncan Johnson; Margaret Johnson; Mary Johnson; Shaylene Johnson; Stanley Johnson; Tom Johnson; Marilyn Julien; Basma Kavanagh; Sana Kavanagh; Cheryl Keats; John Keefe; Gary J Koziel; Paul Thomas LaFleche; William Lahey; Tim Lamber t; Slawa Lamont; Douglas Landry; René E. Lavoie; Daniel Lebel; Nadine LeFor t; Gordan Lewis; Rober t Livingstone; Lindsay Lyghtle; Duar t MacAulay; A. J. MacDonald; Steve MacCormack; Dennis MacDonald; Dougal MacDonald; Duncan MacDonald; Gordon MacDonald; Lawrence MacDonald; Lindiwe MacDonald; Lloyd MacDonald; Mike MacDonald; Nancy MacDonald; Ross MacDonald; A. J. MacDougall; Katie MacEwan; John MacInnes; Alex MacIsaac; Mary-Jo MacKay; Jack MacKillop; Vince MacLean; Gerard MacLellan; Jim MacLeod; Gerard MacMaster; Dan MacNeil; Teresa MacNeil; Mark MacPhail; Joseph MacPhee; Brian MacSween; Karen Malcolm; Alber t Marshall; Allister Marshall; Anthony Marshall; Esmond Marshall; Joan Marshall; Lillian Marshall; Lindsey Marshall; Lorraine Marshall; Mary V. Marshall; Murdena Marshall; Nancy Marshall; Peter Marshall; Selena Marshall; Susie Marshall; Wilber t Marshall; Patricia McCormack; Rick McCready; Anna McCrory; Denise McCullough; Katie McEwan; Sharon McGladdery; Allison McIsaac; Shayne McQuaid; Christine Metallic; Michael Milburn; Eleanor Mitchell; Angela Morris; Edmund Morris; Nancy Morris; Brian Morrison; Bruce Morrison; Jim Morrow; Brian Muise; Hugh Muller; Sharon Munroe; Chris Mushquash; Jason Naug; Dennis Nevins; Melissa Nevins; Huber t Nicholas; Suzie Nilson; Jackie Olsen; Mike Parker; Lisa Patterson; Annie Gould Paul; Anthony Paul; Catherine Paul; Clifford Paul; George Paul; Janice Paul; John Paul; Kara Paul; Ken Paul; Kimberley Paul; Lance Paul; Lawrence Paul; Margaret Paul; Serena Paul; Rosalind Penfound; Lorne Penny; Anthony Pierro; Frances Pierro; Vera Pierro; Shelley Por ter; Amanda Poulette; Howard Poulette; Walter Poulette; Bessie Prosper; Chantel Purcell; James Redden; Joan Reid; Lorrie Rober ts; Guy Rochon; Carol Ann Rose; Andrew Sark; Mark J. Sark; Francis Sayyedya; Faith Scattolon; Marney Simmons; Elena Simon; Da’Trice Sims; Bruce Smith; Kevin Squires; Jim Stanley; Ronald J. Stevens; Sherry H. Stewar t; Robin Stuar t; Laurie Suitor; Judith Sullivan-Corney; Steve Sutherland; Scott Swindon; Alyssa Sylliboy; Grand Chief Ben Sylliboy; Jeannine Sylliboy; Kerry Sylliboy; Terrance Sylliboy; Ron Taylor; Paul Tobin; Rita Toney; Darren Towers; Shirley Tuplin; Rober t Urquhar t; Gus van Helvoor t; Nancy Vanstone; Kelley Vodden; Rober t Wehrell; Lawrence Wells; Maxine Westhead; Darren A. Williams; Wyatt White; Darren Williams; Jerry Wolchuk; Madeline Yakimchuk; Robbie Youden; Cur tis Young; Florence Young; Lisa Young; Mary Tina Young; Richard Young; Walter Young; Marc Zahradnik.