
The Bras d'Or Lakes Collaborative Environmental Planning Initiative (CEPI) is a very special Collaborative effort initiated by the 5 Mi'kmaq Chiefs of Unama'ki in 2003.

We want to keep the Bras d'Or Lakes Golden with your help.

Upcoming Events

Muiwatmnej Etuaptmumk Conference - November 13-15, Membertou

Join us for an exciting three-day experience that transcends boundaries, embraces culture, and champions collaboration.


CEPI News & Updates

2023 Explore the Bras d’Or/Wjinene’n Pitu’poq

July 23, 2022

Everyone come out and enjoy this great summertime event where community activities around the Bras D’or Lake come together and enjoy the summer, you can check out the link here, and the event schedule is also included.  There will be activities for everyone, children, families and lots to do. Home   Here is the event…

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2013 07 19 Actea rubra Boularderie

The Spirit of the Lake Speaks

– A way forward

I am the heart of Cape Breton. I have existed for millennia, shaped by ice, water and wind. All of these influences worked together to make me what I am today. All things are connected to each other forming the great circle of life. If close attention is paid to my cycles and rhythms, to my ebbs and flows, you will see that I can provide for now and for the future. If close attention is not paid, I will wither: I will not be able to feed all of you, shelter you, or provide for all creatures that live within me. It is my hope that great attention can be paid to how we can live together in harmony, and with respect. I cannot do this alone: I am in great need of your assistance.

Come ­walk with me.

L’appel de l’Esprit du lac

– Une voie d’avenir

Je suis le coeur du cap Breton. Je bats depuis des millénaires, sans cesse façonné par la glace, l’eau et le vent, et ces influences conjuguées ont fait de moi ce que je suis aujourd’hui. Tous les êtres sont liés les uns aux autres dans le grand cercle de la vie. Si vous prêtez attention à mes cycles et rythmes et à mes flux et reflux, vous verrez que je subviens à bien des besoins et que je pourrai continuer à le faire. Sinon, je dépérirai et je ne serai pas en mesure de vous nourrir, de vous arbiter ou d’assurer les besoins de toutes les créatures qui comptent sur moi pour survivre. Il nous faut veiller sans cesse à vivre en harmonie, dans le respect les uns des autres, et je ne peux y arriver seul. J’ai grand besoin de vous.

Trouvons ensemble des solutions.

Tha Spiorad a’ Locha a’ Bruidhinn

 - Slighe air adhart

Is mise cridhe Eilein Cheap Breatainn. Tha mi air a bhi ann fad mhìltean de bhliadhnaichean `s mi air mo chruthachadh le deigh, uisge agus a’ ghaoth chruaidh. Gur iad sin na cumhachdan a dh’obraich an glaic a chéile gus mo chumadh a bhi dèante mar a nochdas mi an diugh. Tha gach rud `s an t­saoghal air a cheangal a chéile gus mór­chearcall na beatha a dheanamh co­iomlan. Ma bheirear geur­shùil air mo chuairteachadh ­ a’ traoghadh `s a’ lìonadh, chìthear an toradh a bhios agam ann dhuibh an diugh agus am màireach. Ma `s ann air dhearmad a bhios mo chùram `ga chur, fàsaidh mi crìon: chan urrainn mi ur biadhadh uile, na fasgadh a thoirt dhuibh, air neo na creutairean a tha beò annam a sholaireachadh. `S e dùrachd mo chridhe gum bitheamaid beachdail air mar is urrainn dhuinn a dh’fhuireach còmhla air réite `s le meas. Chan urrainn mi seo a dheanamh leam fhìn: `S mór m’fheum­sa air ur cuideachadh.

Tiugainn agus coisich còmhla rium

Kelusilitl Quspem Wjijaqmijl

 – Ta’n tel-siawita’mk Wi’katikn

Ki’s sa’q mimaji, nujituan mkumi, samqwan aq wju’sn. Msit ula maw­lukutikl kisa’luksi Kinu me wenik kiskuk. Msit koqoey mawa’tumk kelo’tk msit mimajuaqn . Menaqaj iloqaptmumk ta’n tel­wije’tultik aq ta’n tela’sik koqoey, ta’n telki’k aq ta’n teli apjejk, npitn a’jela’lultoqsip nike’ aq elmiknik. Mu menaqaj nike’ maliamuksiwan , npitis ma’ kis­smuluoq msit kisna ikaluluoq aq ma’ maliamaqik ta’nik eykik wsitqamu’k nike. Ajipjitu menaqaj ankaptasin ta’n kis­tl­mawo’ltitesnu aq kepmite’tmenu. Ma kis­newtuktmu ni’n ula, nuta’yk apoqnmasuti. Mu nin, nike’ tetpaqe’wioq aqq mu tajikewan na mu eyknuk koqoey kise’ytu aq mu eymuk wen mimajitew.

Juku’e­ Pmwije’tultinenm

2013 07 19 Actea rubra Boularderie

The Bras d'Or Collaborative Environmental Planning Initiative is here to help us:


to live sustainably with lakes.


knowledge and insight across generations.


to make the Bras d'Or strong again.


positive action and change.


the communities of the Bras d'Or.

What does the water of the Bras d'Or Lakes mean to you?

We asked people this question, and the answers were as varied and unique as the watershed itself. To some it means family, to some it means sustenance, to some peace, and to others life.


"It's a great place to be out in the outdoors and to enjoy nature."
"The waters of the Bras d'Or Lake link me to the past."
"The Bras d'Or Lakes is a beautiful place that holds many teachings."
"The water of the Bras d'Or means life to me."
"The waters of the Bras d'Or means to me the future for oysters."
"The water of the Bras d'Or to me mens where I live."
"It's a great place to become stress-free."
"To me the waters of the Bras d'Or mean challenge and change."
"Bras d'Or Lakes - water. A great body of water. The people (Mi'kmaq) have been using that body of water for a long, long time."

Bras d'Or Golden Awards

Each year, the Collaborative Environmental Planning Initiative (CEPI), through the Golden Awards, recognizes the achievements of individuals or groups who have had a positive impact by helping protect and/or restore the natural environment of the Bras d’Or Lakes and its watershed.

Who would you nominate for a Golden Award?

If you or someone you know has made a positive difference in our watershed, we want to hear about them! We present awards in four categories; Youth; Individual Adult; Business or Industry; and Community Group, Municipality or First Nation.

By signing the Bras d'Or Charter, First Nations, Municipal, Provincial and Federal officials committed to working together to pursue the vision, purpose and objectives outlined for the Bras d'Or Lakes Watershed by the Collaborative Environmental Planning Initiative (CEPI). The charter was signed at Eskasoni, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia on 23 November 2005.

 Bras d'Or Lakes

Collaborative Environmental Planning Initiative


To lead a unique collaboration of partners that incorporate both traditional Mi'kmaq and western perspectives in order to foster a healthy and productive Bras d'Or Lakes Watershed ecosystem


To develop an overall management plan for the Bras d'Or Lakes Watershed ecosystem and to facilitate its implementation by governments and other relevant stakeholders


A balance of environmental, social, cultural and institutional objectives will be pursued to ensure the health and sustainable use of the Bras d'Or Lakes Watershed ecosystem

Learn More About CEPI

Visit the CEPI Video Library

See more videos about CEPI's programs and initiatives.